Sharpie Draw on Body Body Positivity

Positive Body Image: How to Feel Good About Your Body (+Worksheets)

How do yous experience virtually your body? If you don't immediately reply "Neat!" with a smile—don't worry, you're not alone!

This is a very common trouble for people today, specially women. With advertisements and images of a specific torso type constantly bombarding united states wherever we are or whatever we're doing—on television, on our phones, on social media, on our commutes and while we're out shopping—it'southward piece of cake to come across how we can begin to feel bad about our bodies.

Building a positive body image is a practiced manner to counteract this negative stream of images we are encouraged to compare ourselves to.

If yous're feeling unattractive and downwards nigh your body, read on to observe out how you can improve how you feel near yourself. It doesn't matter what size you are—yous are e'er deserving of love and respect, especially from yourself!

Before you read on, we idea you lot might like to download our 3 Self-Compassion Exercises for free. These detailed, scientific discipline-based exercises will not only increase the pity and kindness you bear witness yourself and your body but will likewise give you the tools to help your clients, students or employees exist more compassionate towards themselves.

What is a Positive Torso Image? (Definition)

In simple terms, body prototype is:

"…the perception that a person has of their concrete self and the thoughts and feelings that upshot from that perception."

(National Eating Disorders Collaboration)

Every bit this definition shows, body image isn't simply i unidimensional construct. It's fabricated up of four aspects:

  1. Perceptual torso image: how you see your body
  2. Melancholia trunk image: how yous feel nigh your body
  3. Cerebral body prototype: how y'all think about your body
  4. Behavioral torso epitome: the way you lot deport equally a result of your perceptual, affective, and cognitive body image (NEDC, 2017)

When your body prototype is positive, you are able to take, appreciate, and respect your body (NEDC, n.d.). You won't necessarily avert feeling any insecurities or think your trunk is perfect, but you will be able to acknowledge any insecurities for what they are and believe that your body is perfect for you.

According to clinical psychologist and faculty member Elizabeth Halsted, at that place are 3 components to having a positive body image, or PBI:

  1. Cocky-esteem: valuing ourselves and believing that others appreciate us and savour our company.
  2. A positive attitude: accepting our strengths and our weaknesses, and avoiding three negative attitudes:
    a. Perfectionism: holding ideals or standards that are impossible (or next to impossible) to achieve.
    b. Comparing: making social comparisons with others.
    c. Being highly critical or judgmental: the more critical and judgmental we are of others, the more likely nosotros are to be critical and judgmental of ourselves.
  3. Emotional stability: maintaining a healthy connection to our thoughts and feelings while as well being able to share our experiences with others (Halsted, 2016).

Improving your own trunk image tin can exist hard, merely it'south certainly doable. We'll describe some exercises and activities you can do to boost your ain positive torso image, or PBI, only this list from the National Eating Disorder Collaboration (2017) is total of useful suggestions on how to be more body positive:

  • Focus on your positive qualities, skills, and talents.
  • Say positive things to yourself every solar day (practicing affirmations puts this suggestion to utilise)
  • Avoid negative or berating cocky-talk
  • Focus on affectionate and respecting what your body tin exercise
  • Fix positive, health-focused goals rather than weight loss-focused goals.
  • Admire the beauty of others, just avoid comparing yourself to anyone else.
  • Remind yourself that many media images are unrealistic and unattainable for the vast majority of people (and fifty-fifty for the discipline of the image, thank you to Photoshop!).

Effects of the Media and Instagram on PBI

In a 2005 study of the effects of idealized media images on college women, researcher Renee Engeln-Maddox establish that being presented with just three advertisements featuring highly attractive female models acquired many of the women to compare themselves and their ain bodies to the idealized images they viewed.

Even when participants used the critical processing technique of counterarguing, or generating counterarguments against unhealthy social comparison, they still experienced appearance-related dissatisfaction and internalization of the "thin ideal."

In 2008, a meta-analysis (an analysis of the results from many studies) confirmed the relationship betwixt mass media images and the internalization of an unhealthy sparse ideal in women, along with dissatisfaction with one's body (Grabe, Ward, & Hyde).

Further, not only exercise advertisements and targeted letters to consumers affect our body image, simply the images we run into of our friends, colleagues, and acquaintances on social media also brand an touch. In 2013, researchers Marika Tiggemann and Amy Slater connected Facebook use to higher body image concerns in 13 to 15-year onetime girls.

The same study showed a significant human relationship between internalization of the thin ideal and time spent on the net. Later, researchers Fardouly, Diedrichs, Vartanian, and Halliwell (2015) plant some other link between social media use and both mood and torso concerns in women; specifically, spending just x minutes browsing Facebook instead of a neutral control website resulted in a more negative food and more facial, pilus, and skin-related concerns.

Although the most significant effects of media on body epitome and cocky-esteem have been observed in women, men are certainly non immune to the images of the "platonic" body. Men who viewed advertisements featuring male models or actors with the muscular ideal body blazon were more than probable to feel negative most their ain bodies, and more probable to feel dissatisfied with their ain muscles (Hargreaves & Tiggemann, 2009).

Instagram, in particular, seems to accept a huge impact on how we run into ourselves and our bodies. Researchers Brown and Tiggemann (yes, the same Tiggemann from the earlier studies!) investigated the relationship betwixt viewing Instagram pictures and mood and body dissatisfaction in immature women (2016).

Participants were shown i of three sets of images: (1) images of celebrities on Instagram, (2) images of unknown, every bit attractive peers on Instagram, or (iii) a gear up of control travel images from Instagram.

Unsurprisingly, those who viewed the celebrity and peer images experienced a more negative mood and greater dissatisfaction with their bodies than those who viewed the travel images. This effect was mediated, or explained by, appearance comparisons.

Don't feel the need to surrender your Instagram account just yet, though—afterwards inquiry qualified this finding past exploring how the ways in which nosotros apply social networking sites bear upon our torso satisfaction and body concerns.

Immature women who engaged in greater appearance-focused activity on Facebook and Instagram reported greater dissatisfaction with their bodies and a more entrenched internalization of the thin ideal than those who engaged in generally non-appearance-focused social networking action (Cohen, Newton-John, & Slater, 2017).

This finding tells us that it is not simply the use of social media that leads to decreased satisfaction with our ain bodies, simply specifically appearance-related social media usage. When we compare ourselves to the "ideal" bodies we see on Instagram, we by and large feel greater dissatisfaction with ourselves.

How to Feel Good Near Your Body

Feeling Good About Your BodyLuckily, research has also found constructive ways to negate or reduce the sick effects of media on body prototype.

The biggest thing you can do to experience improve nearly your body is to piece of work on stopping the social comparison process in its tracks. It tin be frighteningly easy to compare ourselves to the bodies we run across every day, in magazines, on billboards, on television, and now on social media. It's a small-scale step from looking at and admiring images of "ideal" bodies and thinking, "Why don't I look similar that?" or "That model is and then much thinner than me."

Although easy to practise, fugitive these social comparisons may be the best way to boost your own body satisfaction (Posavac, Posavac, & Weigel, 2001).

How to be Happy with Your Body When You're Overweight

Avoiding social comparisons is an particularly expert practice for those who are overweight since there is such a lack of representation of larger body types in the media.

If you lot're overweight, you're certainly non alone in your torso concerns. In 2016, nearly 2 billion adults were overweight, or 39% of the world'south developed population (World Health Organization, 2018)!

While there are sure health risks associated with being overweight, and even more risks that accompany obesity, that'southward no reason to avoid working towards a healthy self-esteem at whatever size. Besides, it'due south possible to piece of work on becoming more physically and mentally healthy at the same time.

The biggest problem many overweight people face up when trying to get healthier, physically and/or mentally, is the barbarous bicycle:

  1. They gain weight.
  2. They feel bad near gaining weight
  3. They may initially endeavour to get salubrious, only eventually, take a setback and use nutrient or inactivity equally condolement.
  4. They gain more weight.
  5. They feel fifty-fifty worse about their weight.
  6. They are even less motivated to get healthy and more than prone to partaking in unhealthy comforts.
  7. Repeat.

Similarly, when some people attempt to work on improving their mental health, they encounter a similar bicycle:

  1. They feel bad about themselves or feel negative symptoms.
  2. They experience even worse since they feel similar they don't accept control over their own mind.
  3. They have a setback or withdraw into even more negative feelings about themselves.
  4. Repeat.

And so the cycle continues!

The only surefire fashion to start getting healthier, physically or mentally, is to break that cycle. And, although this might seem counterintuitive, it actually seems easier for people to first improve their body epitome, then move on to improving their physical health. This is because when we improve our own torso image, we can stop the cycle before information technology even gets to stride two (feeling bad about yourself).

Recently published research confirms that having a positive body image tin help you to exist healthier (or at least to gain less weight in the futurity); a long-term study found that on average those with the lowest trunk satisfaction gained over twice the number of Body Mass Index (or BMI) units as the girls with the highest body satisfaction (Loth, Watts, van den Berg, & Neumark-Sztainer, 2015).

When we have a negative body paradigm and nosotros gain weight, nosotros might think, "I'm so fat. I'grand lazy and useless and I don't deserve attention and happiness."

When nosotros have a positive body image and we gain weight, we are more likely to think something similar, "Oops! I've gained some weight. I better piece of work on making healthier meals and getting out more."

It may be more difficult to cultivate self-love and credence when you are overweight, merely you lot tin do it if you put your mind to it! For some ideas on how to outset getting more positive about your body epitome, try some of the worksheets, activities, and exercises listed below.

Worksheets and Activities for Improving Your Body Epitome

Improving Your Body Image

This listing of activities and steps to achieving a positive body image comes from the National Eating Disorders Association (United States) provides several good suggestions to cultivating a positive relationship with your body, including:

  • Appreciate all that your body can practice.
  • Go on a top-ten listing of things you like about yourself.
  • Remind yourself that "truthful beauty" is non only skin-deep.
  • Look at yourself as a whole person.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Shut downwards those voices in your head that tell you your body is non "correct" or that you are a "bad" person.
  • Wear clothes that are comfy and that make you experience practiced about your body.
  • Become a critical viewer of social and media messages.
  • Practice something dainty for yourself.
  • Utilise the time and free energy that you might take spent worrying about food, calories, and your weight to do something to help others (NEDA, n.d.).

In addition to general suggestions and steps y'all tin take, there are several worksheets, handouts, and other resource y'all can plough to when you need some assistance. A few of the almost popular and effective ones are listed below.

Building Torso Acceptance

This resource is designed for people struggling from Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or BDD. This is a disorder in which the sufferer has an extremely negatively, and often extremely skewed, perception of their own torso. However, it can be a useful tool for anyone who is working to overcome a very negative trunk image, especially when a fixation on a specific body role is involved.

This PDF will first depict assumptions, differentiate helpful from unhelpful assumptions, and assistance you or your customer to place your ain unhelpful advent assumptions.

According to this resource, assumptions are basically guidelines for how we live our lives that we learn through ascertainment of those effectually the states. We might not even be aware of them, merely they still play a big function in our thoughts and our behavior.

Helpful assumptions are those that are realistic and flexible, based on bodily evidence just able to be modified or adapted as needed. Unhelpful assumptions are assumptions that are the contrary: unrealistic or unreasonable and inflexible. For people struggling with body image problems, these are some common unhelpful advent-related assumptions:

  • If people see the real me, so they will be repulsed.
  • If I relax my standards, and then I volition let myself go.
  • If I tin can see the trouble, and then everyone else must be noticing it as well.
  • If people notice how awful I look, then they volition exist disgusted.
  • If I ignore this i blemish, then I'll drop my standards completely.
  • If I expect attractive, so people will value me.
  • If I don't wait perfect, then others will pass up me.
  • If I don't change my advent, then I volition never be happy.
  • If I don't wait cute, then I await awful.
  • If I don't encompass up, and so people will run across the real me and be horrified.

Once yous have identified your own unhelpful appearance-related assumptions, the workbook moves on to adjusting these assumptions. It guides the reader through the following steps:

  1. Identify the advent assumption you would similar to adjust.
  2. Ask yourself "Where might this assumption accept come from? Why is information technology nevertheless here?"
  3. Ask yourself "What impact does this supposition take on my life?"
  4. Ask yourself "In what means is this supposition unreasonable, unrealistic or unhelpful?"
  5. Now, retrieve carefully virtually what might be a more counterbalanced and flexible assumption.
  6. Finally, enquire yourself "What tin I practice to put this assumption into practice on a daily basis?"

To help yous through this worksheet, at that place is an example completed worksheet y'all can reference. In the example, the assumption that the writer wants to adjust is "If I don't wait perfect, I look awful."

To answer question 2 virtually the origins of the assumption, the writer notes "I was teased about my looks during high school. When I started wearing lots of brand-upward and spending more time on my appearance the teasing stopped. I judge that fifty-fifty now I am still worried that if I don't look perfect, I will look atrocious and feel like I did during loftier schoolhouse."

If you're interested in following along with this example, y'all can observe it on page 6 of the PDF.

Finally, the workbook ends with some instructions and advice on following through. The reader is advised to keep the new appearance assumption handy, since the sometime ones can pop upwardly out of nowhere! Information technology's too important to bear out any daily actions you planned and stick to information technology.

To see this resource for yourself or download it and utilize it with your clients, click here.

Body Worksheet for Kids and Adults

This worksheet is intended for children, merely it can be just every bit useful for adults. Completing it should aid y'all or your client to start or continue the journey to a healthy sense of cocky-esteem.

In the centre of the worksheet is an outline of a person with a large red eye on the chest. This image should help you go on the point of the do in mind—to honey and appreciate your body instead of picking out flaws or focusing on things yous don't like about it.

There are iv sections to the worksheet with space to write downwards 5 things in each. The four sections are:

  1. What my body does for me
  2. What I love about my body
  3. What's unique nearly me
  4. What I can practise to assistance information technology stay stiff and healthy

Try to really give this exercise your full attention and engagement. The more heart you put into filling in the blanks, the greater impact information technology tin have on your body prototype.

To download this worksheet and apply it for yourself or with your clients, click here.

Positive Body Image & Affirmations: A Skilful Idea?

Many people have establish affirmations to be constructive for addressing or managing a wide diverseness of issues, and PBI is no dissimilar. Positive, good for you affirmations can help yous build a improve trunk image, enhance your self-esteem, and heave your love, compassion, and respect for yourself.

Click here to see a list of 101 affirmations to promote torso positivity. The listing is intended for those suffering from an eating disorder, but the affirmations are great for anyone who is struggling to feel adept nigh their body. Some example affirmations from this list include:

  • My body deserves love.
  • I feed my body healthy nourishing food and give it salubrious nourishing exercise considering it deserves to be taken intendance of.
  • As long as I am practiced, kind, and hold myself with integrity, it doesn't matter what other people think of me.
  • When I compare myself to others, I destroy myself, I don't want to destroy myself so I'll just go along on my journey, not worrying about other people's journeys.
  • Just because someone looks perfect on the outside, doesn't mean they have a perfect life. No one has a perfect life, we all struggle. That'due south only what beingness homo is.
  • I choose health and healing over diets and punishing myself.
  • Being skinny doesn't make me good. Beingness fat doesn't make me bad.
  • My body is a vessel for my awesomeness.
  • I deserve to be treated with love and respect and and so practice you. I choose to do and say kind things for and about myself and for and about others.

If none of these hitting the spot for you, feel costless to make up some of your own, personal affirmations. As long as they're positive and rooted in the present, they'll do!

Campaigns, Posters, & Advertisements on PBI

Campaigns, Posters, & Advertisements on PBILuckily for usa, organizations are starting to go in on the positive body image movement too.

Brands like Dove (with the "Dove Campaign for Real Beauty") and Aerie (with their #AerieREAL campaign) are jumping on the bandwagon and promoting body positivity instead of constricting the definition of dazzler to a narrow standard (although with varying success).

You tin can read more about the social media campaigns for trunk positivity in this article by Bustle writer Erin McKelle.

If y'all're not much of a social media person but you're looking for an image that can remind yous to be more accepting and loving of your trunk, this moving-picture show tin be used as a screensaver, desktop background, or even printed out and hung up on the wall as a abiding reminder to cultivate more positive feelings about your torso.

It'southward titled "x Steps to Positive Body Image" and includes the same 10 steps from NEDA that nosotros listed earlier, namely:

  • Appreciate all that your trunk can practise.
  • Continue a top-x list of things you like about yourself—things that aren't related to how much you weigh or what you lot wait similar.
  • Remind yourself that "true beauty" is not just pare-deep… Beauty is a state of listen, not a state of your body.
  • Expect at yourself every bit a whole person… cull not to focus on specific torso parts.
  • Environment yourself with positive people.
  • Close down those voices in your head that tell yous your body is not "correct" or that you are a "bad" person.
  • Vesture apparel that are comfortable and that make you feel skillful about your body.
  • Become a critical viewer of social and media letters.
  • Do something dainty for yourself—something that lets your body know you lot appreciate it.
  • Use the time and energy that you might have spent worrying about food to aid others.

To download this poster for your own use, click here.

For the minimalists out at that place, this uncomplicated "Love Your Body" poster may be all the reminder you need to encourage a good for you respect for your body. You lot tin observe it here.

This clever poster from the Now Foundation'south Dearest Your Torso Campaign plays on the images we usually run into, and await to see in the media, to requite a more powerful message: that a woman's worth is far more than than the numbers on a scale or on measuring tape. Click here to download this poster.

Finally, this image from Spark People's campaign has a simple just impactful quote: "There is no wrong style to have a torso." – Glenn Marla

Click here to download this image.

10 Positive Trunk Epitome Quotes & Songs

Sometimes a well-placed quote or song lyric can make all the divergence between giving in to our negative self-talk and challenging information technology. Use the quotes and vocal lyrics listed below to help you silence your inner critic.

Salubrious body epitome is not something that yous're going to learn from fashion magazines.

Erin Heatherton

I think there's so much emphasis on torso image and results and outcome, merely really what you should exist subsequently is to be salubrious and to feel good about yourself.

Abby Wambach

We all accept something about ourselves that we'd change if we could in a perfect earth… nobody's exempted from the realities of life…

Keri Hilson

Information technology's hard being a daughter. In that location are a lot of trunk image issues that come up and I think the best affair we can do for our kids is lead by example.

Cheryl Hines

How to get a bikini torso: put a bikini on your torso.

Ellen Degeneres

To me, beauty is most being comfy in your own skin. It'south about knowing and accepting who you are.

Ellen Degeneres

Music is an incredibly subjective thing, and you lot may absolutely love or absolutely detest any of these songs; still, they all take a great bulletin of loving yourself and your body, exactly as it is. If y'all simply can't stand hearing one of these songs, try printing out the lyrics and putting them to your own music or only reading them to yourself.

"Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera

Notable lyrics: "You are beautiful, no matter what they say. Words can't bring you down."

"Confident" by Demi Lovato

Notable lyrics: "What'south wrong with being confident?"

"Beautiful" past Eminem (content alert: strong linguistic communication!)

Notable lyrics: "Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful."

"Scars to Your Beautiful" by Alessia Cara

Notable lyrics: "There'south a hope that'due south waiting for you in the dark. You should know you're cute but the way y'all are."

Of course, in that location are merely a few of the many examples of songs that tin can assistance you boost your PBI. There may exist some songs that seem like they take hidden messages, only for you, on loving yourself exactly as you are. As long as information technology makes you lot feel positive about yourself—plow information technology upward and put it on echo!

Best Books on Positive Body Image

Unsurprisingly, this pop topic has attracted many authors and readers. There are tons of books out at that place on cultivating a positive body image from researchers, experts, and everyday people battling their ain inner critic. A few of the nearly popular and highly-rated books on torso image are listed here:

  • Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and Tranquillity that Critical Voice!) by Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott (Amazon)
  • Mothers, Daughters, and Body Prototype: Learning to Love Ourselves every bit We Are by Hillary Fifty. McBride (Amazon)
  • Positive Body Image for Kids: A Strengths-Based Curriculum for Children Anile seven-11 by Ruth Macconville (Amazon)
  • The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Dearest by Sonya Renee Taylor (Amazon)
  • Body Kindness: Transform Your Health from the Within Out—and Never Say Diet Again by Rebecca Scritchfield (Amazon)

Further Reading: Blogs and Manufactures

To learn more about positive body prototype, there are tons of resources you tin can check out, including:

  • The Body Positive organisation website.
  • The Body Paradigm Motion website
  • "Torso positivity is everywhere, simply is it for everyone?" This USA Today article describes the movement up to 2017 and showcases some of the most influential trunk positive figures today.
  • "'Merely I Like My Body": Positive torso image characteristics and a holistic model for young-adult women." This article from researchers Wood-Barcalow, Tylka, and Augustus-Horvath (2010) describes a model of torso positivity that can help us stay exist positive and healthy virtually our body prototype.
  • "A Good for you Torso Image." This slice from PBS explains how you tin can encourage a more positive body paradigm in yourself and provides good information for encouraging torso positivity in your loved ones.
  • "11 Bloggers Inspiring the Body Positive Movement." This piece from lists 11 bloggers who are great to follow if you desire to continue up with the body positive movement.

Relevant YouTube Videos

If you lot're more of an auditory learner than a reader, not to worry! At that place are several helpful YouTube videos on this topic that can help you learn more about cultivating a positive body image. 3 of the most pop are described beneath.

This video from Bustle tackles some of import questions about bodies, similar:

  • Is it okay to call someone fat?
  • What is the contrary of plus size?
  • What is the point of the body positive movement?

In her TEDx Maastricht Salon talk, Ira Querelle gives a passionate speech on self-esteem, body epitome, and the body positivity movement. At only xvi years former, Ira makes a striking impression.

In this video, you lot tin can see her discuss what body image really is, how it affects people, and how to help yourself and others experience meliorate about their bodies.

In this TEDx Jersey City talk, actor and caricatural performer Lillian Bustle describes how the media's portrayal of women'south bodies can take a profound impact on how women see themselves, talk about themselves, and call up well-nigh themselves.

Watch the video below to see her talk about how to continue your self-esteem upward, take healthy risks, and appreciate diversity in the face of a doubtful and even hostile society.

A Take-Home Message

I promise this piece has given you some valuable information and useful suggestions on how to improve your body epitome, but most of all I promise that this piece has reminded y'all that yous can love yourself exactly equally you are. Whether yous want to change your body or not, you can always start from a identify of cocky-love and compassion.

In fact, you'll likely find that you're more successful if you embark on your journeying towards a good for you and happy body with a healthy and happy torso image already in place.

If you're in the middle of a downwardly spiral of body negativity, delight know that you're not on your own, and your feelings are quite common! There are many people out at that place struggling with the same issues, and there are tons of places you can plough to for support and encouragement. I wish yous all the all-time of luck in cultivating a positive trunk paradigm—you can do it!

Do you lot accept whatever tips or tricks for stopping negative self-talk in its tracks? What do you recall of the torso positive movement? Who practice y'all turn to for back up when you lot're feeling down almost yourself? Let united states know in the comments!

We promise you enjoyed reading this article. Don't forget to download our 3 Self Pity Exercises for costless.

  • Brownish, Z., & Tiggemann, K. (2016). Attractive celebrity and peer images on Instagram: Consequence on women's mood and body image. Body Image, nineteen, 37-43.
  • Cohen, R., Newton-John, T., & Slater, A. (2017). The relationship betwixt Facebook and Instagram advent-focused activities and torso prototype concerns in immature women. Body Image, 23, 183-187.
  • Engeln-Maddox, R. (2005). Cognitive responses to idealized media images of women: The relationship of social comparing and disquisitional processing to body image disturbance in college women. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24, 1114-1138.
  • Fardouly, J., Diedrichs, P. C., Vartanian, L., & Halliwell, E. (2015). Social comparisons on social media: The impact of Facebook on immature women'due south body epitome concerns and mood. Trunk Prototype, 13, 38-45.
  • Grabe, S., Ward, L. Yard., & Hyde, J. Southward. (2008). The role of the media in body prototype concerns among women: A meta-analysis of experimental and correlational studies. Psychological Bulletin, 134, 460-476.
  • Halsted, E. (2016). How to take a positive body image. Psychology Today. Retrieved from log/contemporary-psychoanalysis-in-action/201602/how-accept-positive-torso-image
  • Loth, 1000. A., Watts, A. W., van den Berg, P., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2015). Does body satisfaction help or damage overweight teens? A 10-year longitudinal study of the relationship between torso satisfaction and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57, 559-561.
  • National Eating Disorders Clan. (north.d.). 10 steps to positive body image. NEDA: Feeding Hope. Retrieved from https://world wide general-information/10-steps
  • National Eating Disorders Collaboration. (2017). What is body image? Australian Government Section of Health. Retrieved from http://world wide
  • National Eating Disorder Collaboration. (due north.d.). NEDC fact sheet – Trunk image. Australian Government Department of Health. Retrieved from
  • Tiggemann, M., & Slater, A. (2013). NetGirls: The internet, Facebook, and body epitome business in adolescent girls. International Periodical of Eating Disorders, 46, 630-633.
  • Globe Health Organization. (2018). Obesity and overweight. WHO Media Centre. Retrieved from


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